At CCHP, Stephanie felt accepted for what she was. She felt that she was granted the spaciousness to be and didn't feel the need to change, to become the same as. And, in that acceptance, to accept everyone’s multifaceted beingness. To learn to love without expecting conformity to expectation or to the dominant cancer narratives of our day.
Commonweal Cancer Help Program Alumni Circles
Alumni support groups, Healing Circles, Social supportOblivion
Learning, Pain and Suffering, PoetryBent Not Broken
Pain and Suffering, PoetryPacific House at Night
Healing, Learning, PoetryTwo Poems
Grief, PoetryUntie
Death and Dying, Grief, Pain and Suffering, PoetryLove the Ones You’re With
Social supportFear and Loving in Bolinas
Love, Social supportHealing Circles
Healing CirclesNo Longer Left Behind
Social support